Hall Davidson talked about students learning to edit movies first with DE streaming and then they learn to create their own content
- check out California Student Media Festival
Digital sales have now surpassed physical sales - Wall Street Journal Feb. 2010
Discovery Communications has 1.5 Billion subscribers
Most popular is Discovery Channel, next is TLC, then Animal Planet, and fourth is DISCOVERY EDUCATION
Interesting thought for the day - When choosing curriculum, why don't the end-users have any say? HMMMMM..... EXCELLENT POINT
Do we need textbooks, you cant write in them, edit them, share them, or make new copies....
**Don't forget that LIFE will be March 21st on the Discovery Channel and will be in streaming to view on March 22nd! Talk about efficient!
Lindsay ran through how to search for content, reminded us about the MY BUILDER tools and the best part (drum roll please) the TEACHER CENTER
Lindsay was born and raised in Montana... just so you know!
She told us about downloading in FLASH to help out with Bandwidth issues (PAY ATTENTION TOWNSEND FOLKS) use Flash to download your streaming!!!
Lindsay also reminded us that we teachers have access to a FULL ENCYCLOPEDIA!! http://discoveryeducation.com
Digital Kits
why use actual boxes - use digital kits
Jennifer reminded us that FILE MANAGEMENT is pertinent - Naming folders and subfolders should always be a priority
Jennifer showed us examples of projects made with Kidspiration and DE streaming (if you do one of these you have to use Quicktime in Kidspiration and Inspiration for movies)
One of these Inspiration templates was named 3 Truths and a Lie - It requires the students to think CRITICALLY about media!!!
She offered to share these kits with everyone - maybe on media share ??? hint hint, Jennifer
Amy introduced us to interacting with videos by using a sheet with checks and stars to show what the students learned about and still need to learn about.
She shared how they will develop their understanding of the key concepts by sharing and self-checking what they know.
She suggested using Images from the Flickr - they have a Creative Commons search
She showed us how to then show an image and then match it to one of the same key words - then discuss which word matched to that image to understand the meaning of the word.
I think it is a great way to for students to connect to the learning to make meaning.
Westin Woods provides a lot of videos on Discovery Education - can share elements of a good/bad video, product placement, stopping videos before they are finished - then predict or create an ending
Debbie reminded that we should all share as educators - check her web site out for amazing resources!
She also showed us a neat project making President trading cards
She also reminded that everyone should apply to be DEN STARS and attend the DEN National Institute!
She ended with some of her favorite web 2.0 sites such as glogster and wix.com
twitter: abakken
Shared information about DE assignment builder - Go to MY BUILDER - ASSIGNMENT BUILDER - follow the steps - remember you can add your own content to the lesson
You can also add web link to add outside content to it.
If you have trouble using streaming videos, download them to your server or to your desktop and have the students watch them in the downloaded format
You can differentiate instruction easily by using the Assignment builder
After you create a lesson you can either assign it to your class (which need to be created beforehand) or get a link with a passcode and paste it to your web site for the students to access.
She also encouraged everyone to check out the student center. You can log in and see what it is like to be a student in the student center
by using Jennifer Gingerich's fake student accounts. Login Jellyfish1 Password Jellyfish1
She also shared how powerful google docs at conferences can be!
Martha started off by talking about how all that was shared tonight at this workshop connects.
She then shared a great web 2.0 site called animoto.com - it is a great way to present information with photos, video and sound or music.
She created a short JFK animoto video for us to see using images and JFK's inaugural speech. Amazing content created in less than 5 minutes.
Animoto helps kids use content from DE in a different way to learn and share information they have learned.
she shares one more tool - GLOGSTER - make sure that you go to edu.glogster.com
regular glogster.com may have content that you definitely don't want your students to see
Please feel free to add or edit content.
Thanks for viewing!
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