
Friday, April 30, 2010

Choosing a new reading curriculum

Our school is choosing a new reading curriculum. I am confused at the data and science behind the different series. Research-based RTI material seems to be everywhere. I found this interesting article:
Any advice would be appreciated.
Looking at these two:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Notes from Brain-Based Learning session at NCTM 2010

Link to learning – sensory cortex – new learning takes place – emotional hook

You need to get their ATTENTION

What factors influence attention
Need, novelty, cognitive dissonance, expectations, intensity of stimuli, emotional

There is no comprehension w/o picturing

Bilateral Accessory naviculars??? Navicular  is a bone in the foot – w/o a  visual representation makes comprehension very difficult

Connections help establish meaning

What must we do if we want to make info meaningful to students – find experiences they have had and “hook” new info to it OR  make concrete meaning

ACTIVITY concepts obtained from
Burns,  M. (2000). About teaching mathematics: A K-8 resource (2nd ed. ). Math Solutions Publications, Sausalito, CA.

Students learned regardless of age, based on activities – taking that conrete and working to whatever level they are at

ACTIVITY - Blue paper – tear it in half – we have 2 pieces  - tear it again in half – now how many do we have? – 4 (division of fractions in this activity – smaller but more)

MATH journaling to write down their thoughts     

Students are trained to think that if they are asked a question about their math problem such as “are you sure” that they are wrong – work on that

What are the Classroom Implications of the Cocktail Party Effect – we only pay attention to one thing at a time

K – can process 2 things at a time
Adults = can process 7 things at a time efficiently

Bombardment is not the answer
Chunking is the answer “the difference between novices and experts in a field appears to be that experts tend… because of a great deal of experience in a field... to organize information into much larger chunks, whiles novices work with isolated bits of information.  – Benjamin Bloom

Rehearsal is the PRACTICE – More PRACTICE more memory

PROCEUDRAL memory The “how” does not involve conscious thought
Processes that have been practiced or repeated to the extent that they have become automatic. Examples?

Driving a car, writing, decoding, typing, throwing a pass in football, walking, etc. Very difficult to access these habits and skills in any way  except doing them.

Declarative Memory The What involve conscious thought  - Semantic (our general knowledge), Episodic

Info meaningful with emotional hook you pay attention – sensory memory

Repeated activation synapses strengthened messages sent effectively – working memory

Stimulation of cell neurotransmitters produced – long-term memory

The more we use these networks, the stronger they become

No matter how well planned, how interesting, stimulation colorful or relevant the lesson, if the teaher does all the interacting with the material, the teacher’s… not the students’… brain will grow new connections.

There is no comprehension w/o picturing
Students make meaning by connecting to existing schema.
The person DOING is the person leaning.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being SMART in your Math Lessons by Adam Meador

Adam Meador
Principal Bingham Elementary School
Springfield, MO public schools

Objective: To learn more about the use of SMART technology in the mathematics classroom

First a video was shown "A Vision of K-12 Students Today"

Helpful websites
email Adam for more websites

We then watched a video on the old way of teaching math called "Ma and Pa Kettle Math"

He then talked about Notebook software in the math class

**set orientation up to 20 in the control panel

10.6 is the newest software - new math tools protractor, ruler, compass
the Math Download has a free 30-day trial (otherwise it is $129, but can use it on multiple computers)

Using the Pin Tool can help show different student math problems

Use the capture tool to get pictures, tables, etc. off of web pages to paste into the Notebook software - be careful of copyright

Use properties to set background

Floating tools can be used in other areas
Customize the tool bar by right-clicking on it - you can add what you want

Other handy tools:
Infinite cloner
My Content

I will be emailing Adam to get more information and posting it on here later.

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rocket Car Racers - Newton's Laws of Motion

My students had a chance to test out their knowledge of Newton's 3rd law by making Rocket Car Racers. We went through 6 packs of balloons, but it was well worth the price. The students got to design their own car and modify it 3 times before the "official" race. We took notes in our science journal, as well as, created tables to record our data. It was an ardorous project for my students, but well worth the time!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Internet-Using Educators

This is a great repost for any educators to read. I like Habit Two best: Begin with the End in Mind!